v1.2.2 - Updated dependencies & updater checks - Fixed search not showing Microsoft IME suggestions - Removed some opinionated preset JavaScript in subscriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2.1 - Always allow Zoom and Close context menu options - Improved automatic html cleanup after ad removal - Fixed improper error dialog on profile creation - Fixed unit measurements of resized elements - Improved hotkey (Ctrl+F) usability since 1.2.0 - Changed main window inspect element to console - Prevented multiple app instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.2.0 - Updated dependencies - Changed activation to donation - On view load, the searched term will now be highlighted - Updated subscriptions will now be more apparent - Added subscription option to auto-hide ruby text (e.g. Japanese furigana) - Fixed not being able to modify subscriptions containing properties not found in the modal view - Breaking: Changed tag, id, and class removal syntax to querySelectorAll syntax using the name "remove_query_selectors" - Breaking: Removed resize_from_element and resize_width, but improved automatic body resizing by frame width ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.1 - Fixed scrolling functionality breaking on certain systems - Improved search bar display on certain systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.1.0 - Updated display of main window - Added subscription window to manage profiles, presets, and websites to load - Updated subscription presets to display mobile view - Fixed Ctrl+F search not working after closing a view - Fixed error message from displaying on app close - Improved context menu - Updated dependencies - Updated license ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0.1 - Fixed: Inability to search the same term in a different category - Improved: Ctrl+F searches will now be contained to active categories - Improved: Web blocker will now automatically whitelist searched pages - Improved: Right-click context menu for images, with 'Copy Image' and 'Copy Image URL' - Improved: Workaround an Electron bug that causes views to not appear or update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0.0 - First release.